Objects and data

In Ramses, everything is represented by Objects. An object consists of a Unique Universal Identifier (UUID) used to identify it across the whole system, and its associated data, encoded as a JSON Object.

The whole object could thus be saved and shared as a JSON Document like this:

    "uuid": "unique-uid",
    "data": {
        // Here's the data

An object may also be associated with some paths in the file system. These paths are dynamic and are not included in the associated data. They have to be queried or defined by the software.

Ramses Objects (i.e. RamObjects) can represent a shot, an asset, a user, an application, or a whole project for example. They can also contain lists of other objects. Lists of objects are basic string lists of UUIDs stored in the parent object data.

UUIDs and object data are synced by all the Ramses Applications and a Ramses Server, and are mirrored on all workstations and the server itself. Any other software (e.g. APIs, scripts, plugins…) should get the list of objects and all data using the Ramses Daemon run by the Ramses Application which is guaranteed to be up-to-date. You can also use the Daemon to set new data to specific objects.

Virtual objects


All objects derive from the RamObject and have at least the same properties.


Some optional properties may be missing in the JSON data as shared by Ramses. In this case, it’s up to the software to decide of a default value.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3", // Colors are Hexadecimal numbers with a leading #
    "settings": {
        // The settings object can contain additional arbitrary values,
        // depending on the object
        // these values can be set by any software / API


A list of other objects.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "list": [



An application used in the production pipeline.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "executableFilePath": "path/to/the/application/bin.exe",
    "nativeFileTypes": "RamFileType_list-uuid",
    "importFileTypes": "RamFileType_list-uuid",
    "exportFileTypes": "RamFileType_list-uuid",


An asset used in one or several shots. The RamAsset is derived from the RamItem and has all its properties.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "", // Should be the same as the containing asset group
    "settings": { },
    "project": "RamProject-uuid",
    "productionType": "RamProject-uuid",
    "statusHistory": {
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "...": "..."
    "assetGroup": "RamAssetGroup-uuid",
    "tags": [


A group of assets. All assets should be assigned to one and only one group.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "project": "RamProject-uuid"


A type of file.

    "shortName": "abc", // Should be the default file extension
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "extensions": [
    "previewable": true // Is it standard and can it be opened with the OS default file viewer?


An item (i.e. a shot or an asset or another production file/folder)

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "project": "RamProject-uuid",
    "productionType": "RamProject-uuid",
    "statusHistory": {
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "...": "..."


A connexion between two steps in the production pipeline.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "inputStep": "RamStep-uuid", // The step this pipe is connected to
    "outputStep": "RamStep-uuid", // The step this pipe comes from
    "project": "RamProject-uuid",
    "pipeFiles": "RamPipeFile_list-uuid" // The list of files used through this pipe


A a specific format used through a pipe.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "a short ID.ext", // Should be the shortname and the extension of the file type
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "fileType": "RamFileType-uuid",
    "project": "RamProject-uuid",
    "customSettings": "- format: ext" // Settings to be used in applications when handling this format; formatted as a YAML string.


A project (feature film, episode, short movie…)

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "a short ID.ext", // Should be the shortname and the extension of the file type
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "steps": "RamStep_list-uuid",
    "assetGroups": "RamAssetGroup_list-uuid",
    "sequences": "RamSequence_list-uuid",
    "shots": "RamShot_list-uuid",
    "assets": "RamAsset_list-uuid",
    "pipeline": "RamPipe_list-uuid",
    "pipeFiles": "RamPipeFile_list-uuid",
    "users": "RamUser_list-uuid",
    "scheduleComments": "RamScheduleComment_list-uuid",
    "framerate": 24.0,
    "width": 2048,
    "height": 858,
    "aspectRatio": 2.85,
    "deadline": "2023-01-01"


A simple comment in the schedule.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "date": "2022-09-01 12:00:00"


An entry in the schedule, i.e. a step associated to a user and a date.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "date": "2022-09-01 12:00:00",
    "user": "RamUser-uuid",
    "step": "RamStep-uuid"


A sequence containing shots. All shots must be part of one and only one sequence.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "project": "RamProject-uuid"


A shot. All shots must be part of one and only one sequence. The RamShot is derived from the RamItem and has all its properties.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "project": "RamProject-uuid",
    "productionType": "RamProject-uuid",
    "statusHistory": {
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "RamStep-uuid": "RamStatus_list-uuid",
        "...": "..."
    "sequence": "RamSequence-uuid",
    "duration": 5, // in seconds
    "assets": "RamAsset_list-uuid" // The list of assets used in this shot


A state of production, used in the more general RamStatus.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "completionRatio": 50 // %


The status of the production of an item, for a specific step.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "completionRatio": 50, // %
    "user": "RamUser-uuid", // The last user who's modified the status
    "step": "RamStep-uuid",
    "item": "RamItem-uuid or RamShot-uuid or RamAsset-uuid",
    "itemType": "asset", // One of asset or shot or item
    "state": "RamState-uuid",
    "version": 12,
    "date": "2022-09-15 13:00:00 ", // The modification date of the status
    "published": true, // Is this item ready to be used in another step?
    "assignedUser": "RamUser-uuid", // Who's working on this?
    "timeSpent": 3600, // Seconds
    "difficulty": "medium", // One of: veryEasy, easy, medium, hard, veryHard
    "goal": 3 // How long this shoud take, in days


A step in the production pipeline.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "project": "RamProject-uuid",
    "estimationMultiplyGroup": "RamAssetGroup-uuid", // Used to estimate time for shots
    "type": "shot", // One of pre, asset, shot, post, all
    "publishSettings": "- format: ext", // Some settings to be used by an application to publish files. Should be a YAML-formatted string
    "estimationMethod": "shot", // Pne of shot, second. Estimate work per shot or per second
    "estimationVeryEasy": 0.1, // days
    "estimationEasy": 0.5,
    "estimationMedium": 1,
    "estimationHard": 2,
    "estimationVeryHard": 5


A user of Ramses.

    "shortName": "a short ID",
    "name": "The object name",
    "comment": "A comment associated with the object",
    "color": "#e3e3e3",
    "settings": { },
    "role": "lead", // One of admin, project, lead, standard,
    "schedule": "RamScheduleEntry_list-uuid",
    "email": ""


User data is encrypted in databases saved by the Ramses Application and Ramses Server to protect user privacy. Extensions (scripts, APIs, etc) should never write user data to any file, unless it is safely encrypted too.

The email should be used for technical features, like password retrieval, but never be available to other users.