
The main class. One (and only one) instance globally available (Ramses is a singleton), by calling Ramses.instance().

Static Methods

Method Arguments Description
Returns the Ramses unique instance.
The current version of this API

Static Attributes

Attribute Type Default Description
apiReferenceUrl string This page URL A link to this API documentation
addonsHelpUrl string The URL to this page A link to the Ramses add-ons documentation
generalHelpUrl string The URL to this documentation A link to the Ramses documentation


Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below (and see the Examples) for more information about the methods you can add to these lists.

Attribute Type Default Description
importScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().importItem() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user asks to import an item.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior.
openScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().openFile() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user opens an item in the host application.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior.
publishScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().publish() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user publishes the current file from the host application.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior.
replaceScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().replaceItem() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user asks to import an item.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior.
saveAsScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().saveFileAs() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user saves the current file in the host application.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior
saveScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().saveFile() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user saves the current file in the host application.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior
saveTemplateScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().savTemplate() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user saves the current file as a new template in the host application.
Note: official Ramses Add-ons will add an item to this list to provide a default implementation. If you’re extending an existing add-on, you can reset the list or insert/append your own methods to keep the default behavior.
statusScripts list [] A list of functions to be triggered when Ramses.instance().updateStatus() is called.
If you’re using one of the provided Add-ons, you can add your own handlers to this list so they’re run when the user changes the current status of an asset / shot from the host application.
userScripts dict or object {} This dict or object is here for your convenience, to make it easy to register and call any method from anywhere you’ve imported Ramses without having to import the file containing the method. Just register with Ramses.instance().userScripts["TheFunctionName"] = aFunction and call the method with Ramses.instance().userScripts["TheFunctionName"](some, args).


Method Arguments Description
addToRecentFiles string: filePath Adds the file to the list of recently opened files, to be used in the DCC app to list these files to the user. The list of recent files is available as RamSettings.instance().recentFiles.
list of string
A list of alternative absolute paths to the main Ramses folder. Missing files will be looked for in these paths (and copied to the main path if available), and they will be used if the main path is not available.
list of string
A copy of the main folder where all files are stored.
Checks Daemon availability and initiates the connection.
Returns success.
RamProject or None
The current project.
RamUser or None
The current user.
The Daemon interface unique instance. Same as RamDaemonInterface.instance()
Gets back to offline mode (stops all communications with the Daemon).
The absolute path to main Ramses folder, containing projects by default, config files, user folders, admin files…
importItem string: currentFilePath
list of string: importFilePaths
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item
RamStep: step=None
dict: importOptions=None
bool: showImportOptions=false
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().importScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
openFile string: filePath Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().openScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
RamProject or None
(Try to) retrieve a project using its short name.
list of RamProject
The list of available projects.
The path to the folder containing projects.
list of RamState
The list of available states.
string: stateShortName=WIP Gets a specific state.
True if connected to the Daemon and the Daemon is responding.
publish string: filePath,
dict: publishOptions=None,
bool: showPublishOptions=false
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().publishScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
replaceItem string: currentFilePath
string: importFilePath
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item
RamStep: step=None
dict: importOptions=None
bool: showImportOptions=false
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().replaceScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
string: filePath
bool: incrementVersion=false
string: comment=None
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().saveScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
1: Malformed file name, can’t get the item from the file. The file was not saved.
2: The file was a restored version, it’s been incremented then saved as a working file.
3: The file was misplaced (in a reserved folder), and was incremented and saved in the right place.
4: The file was too old (according to RamSettings.autoIncrementTimeout) and was incremented and saved.
string: currentFilePath
string: fileExtension
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item
RamStep: step
string: resource=""
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().saveAsScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
1: Saved as a new version because the file already exists.
string: fileExtension
RamStep: step
string: templateName="Template"
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().saveTemplateScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
showClient Raises the Ramses Client window, launches the client if it is not already running.
setCurrentProject RamProject: project Sets the current project.
The settings unique instance. Same as RamSettings.instance()
updateStatus RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item,
RamStatus: status,
RamStep: step=None
Runs the scripts in Ramses.instance().statusScripts.
Read the section entitled Events and Handlers below for more details.
This method returns an error code:
-1: One of the event handlers interrupted the process.
0: OK.
The path to the folder containing users.

Events and Handlers

Some events are triggered by Ramses on specific actions, like opening a file in the host application or importing an asset. Handlers are functions to be run when these events are triggered. For each of these events, you can add your own handlers if you’re developping an add-on, and the end-user can also register script files containing handlers for these events.

There are two types of handler functions per event:


If you’re forking/modifying an official add-on, the events are automatically triggered, but if you’re developing an add-on from scratch, you need to call the corresponding trigger methods in the Ramses class to process all registered handlers.

Ramses will pass a few arguments depending on the context to these handler functions.

Handlers must return true or nothing to let the process continue, and can return false to stop the process (the event propagation) and the next registered handlers.

Event Arguments Description
before_import_item | on_import_item
Trigger function: Ramses.importItem()
Handler function list: Ramses.importScripts
list of string: filePaths,
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item,
RamStep: step=None,
dict: importOptions=None,
bool: showImportOptions=false
filePaths is the list of absolute path to the files the user wants to import. This list can be empty! In this case, it means the add-on must automatically choose the right file from the publish folder of the item and step.
item is the item from which the user wants to import a file.
step is the step from which the user wants to import.
importOptions is a dictionnary (associative array) containing custom options you can use to import the item, automatically built from the pipeline configuration, if these options have been set.
showImportOptions tells the script to show a UI or not to edit the import options before importing.
before_open | on_open
Trigger function: Ramses.openFile()
Handler function list: Ramses.openScripts
string: filePath,
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item,
RamStep: step=None
filePath is the absolute path of the file being opened.
item is the item the user has opened.
step is the step being opened.
before_publish | on_publish
Trigger function: Ramses.publish()
Handler function list: Ramses.publishScripts
string: filePath
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item
RamStep: step
dict: publishOptions=None
bool: showPublishOptions=false
filePath is the path of the file currently being published.
item is the item from which the user wants to publish a file.
step is the step from which the user is publishing.
publishOptions is a dictionnary (associative array) containing custom options you can use to publish the item.
showPublishOptions tells the script to show a UI or not to edit the publish options before publishing.
before_replace_item | on_replace_item
Trigger function: Ramses.replaceItem()
Handler function list: Ramses.replaceScripts
string: filePath,
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item,
RamStep: step=None,
dict: importOptions=None,
bool: showImportOptions=false
filePath is the absolute path to the file the user wants to import.
item is the item from which the user wants to import a file.
step is the step from which the user wants to import.
importOptions is a dictionnary (associative array) containing custom options you can use to import the item, automatically built from the pipeline configuration, if these options have been set.
showImportOptions tells the script to show a UI or not to edit the import options before importing.
With this info, the method should replace selected objects with the imported items.
before_save | on_save
Trigger function: Ramses.saveFile()
Handler function list: Ramses.saveScripts
string: filePath,
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item,
RamStep: step,
int: version,
string: comment,
bool: incremented
filePath is the absolute path of the file being saved.
item is the item the user has saved.
step is the step being saved.
version is the version number for the file being saved.
comment is the comment associated to this version of the file.
incremented is true if this is a new version.
before_save_as | on_save_as
Trigger function: Ramses.saveFile()
Handler function list: Ramses.saveScripts
string: filePath
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item
RamStep: step
string: resourceName
filePath is the absolute path of the file being saved.
item is the item the user has saved.
step is the step being saved.
resourceName is the name of the resource, this can be an empty string for the main working file.
before_save_template | on_save_template
Trigger function: Ramses.saveFile()
Handler function list: Ramses.saveScripts
string: filePath
RamItem: item
RamStep: step
string: templateName
filePath is the absolute path of the file being saved.
item is the item the user has saved.
step is the step being saved.
templateName is the name of the template.
before_update_status | on_update_status
Trigger function: Ramses.updateStatus()
Handler function list: Ramses.statusScripts
RamItem or RamAsset or RamShot: item,
RamStatus: status,
RamStep: step
item is the item which is being updated.
status is the new status.
step is the step being updated.


Adding handlers with a user script file

Users can add their own handlers for specific events by just storing them in script file(s) and implementing a function named after the event(s).
This is a simple example of a file like this containing a few handlers.


def on_open( file_path, item, step):
    """Triggered when an item is opened by the user"""

    if step.shortName() == "LIGHT":
        # Do Something here if it's a lighting step being opened
        print("We've opened the Lighting step for" +
        print("Nothing to do for unknown steps...")

def on_publish(  file_path, item, step,import_options, show_import_options):
    """Triggered when an item is published"""

    if step.shortName() == "MOD":
        # Show options to the user
        if show_import_options:
            options_dialog = show_options_ui()
            import_options = options_dialog.getResult()
        # Do Something here if it's a modeling step being published
        doSomething(item, import_options)
        print("We've published the Modeling step for" +
        print("Nothing to do for unknown steps...")
// handlers.jsx

// Triggered when an item is opened by the user
function on_open( file_path, item, step) {

    if (step.shortName() == "LIGHT") {
        // Do Something here if it's a lighting step being opened
        $.writeln("We've opened the Lighting step for" +;
    else {
        $.writeln("Nothing to do for unknown steps...");

// Triggered when an item is published
function on_publish( file_path, item, step, import_options, show_import_options):

    if (step.shortName() == "MOD") {
        // Show options to the user
        if (show_import_options) {
            var options_dialog = show_options_ui();
            import_options = options_dialog.getResult();
        // Do Something here if it's a modeling step being published
        doSomething(item, import_options);
        $.writeln("We've published the Modeling step for" +;
        $.writeln("Nothing to do for unknown steps...");

These script files can be registered using the UI of the add-on or by adding them in the settings programmatically like this:

# Python

# import ramses
import ramses as ram
# Get the instance
ramses = ram.Ramses.instance()

# The script containing the handlers
script_file = "/path/to/my/"
# Register
settings = ramses.settings()
settings.userScripts.append( script_file )

# All handlers in the script file are now registered and will be run automatically with corresponding events
// ExtendScript

// include the Ramses lib
#include ramses.jsxinc
// Get the instance
var ramses = Ramses.instance();

// The script containing the handlers
var scriptFile = "/path/to/my/";
// Register
var settings = ramses.settings();
settings.userScripts.push( scriptFile );;

// All handlers in the script file are now registered and will be run automatically with corresponding events

Adding handlers when implementing/extending an add-on

# Python

# import ramses
import ramses as ram
# Get the instance
ramses = ram.Ramses.instance()

# A simple method
def published(filePath, item, step):
    ram.log("Hello, I've been published!")

# Another one
def aFunction( arg1, arg2):
    ram.log("I'm doing something")

# Adds the method to the scripts which will be run when the add-on publishes a file
ramses.publishScripts.append( published )

# Let's store a function in the userScripts to make it available everywhere
ramses.userScripts["MyFunction"] = aFunction

# The provided Ramses add-ons for Blender, Maya, etc. automatically trigger these scripts.
# If you're developping another addon, you have to call Ramses.publish() to run them
ramses.publish(currentItem, 'a path', 'STEP')

# From anywhere in the app where the Ramses module has been imported, you can call 'aFunction' with
ramses.userScripts["MyFunction"](some, arg)
// ExtendScript

// include the Ramses lib
#include ramses.jsxinc
// Get the instance
var ramses = Ramses.instance();

// A simple method
function published(filePath, item, step)
    ram.log("Hello, I've been published!");

// Another one
function aFunction( arg1, arg2)
    ram.log("I'm doing something");

// Adds the method to the scripts which will be run when the add-on publishes a file
ramses.publishScripts.push( published );

// Let's store a function in the userScripts to make it available everywhere
ramses.userScripts["MyFunction"] = aFunction;

// The provided Ramses add-ons for Blender, Maya, etc. automatically trigger these scripts.
// If you're developping another addon, you have to call Ramses.publish() to run them
ramses.publish(currentItem, 'a path', 'STEP');

// From anywhere in the app, you can call 'aFunction' with
ramses.userScripts["MyFunction"](some, arg);

API Dev notes


These section is for the development of the API only; you should not need these when developping your add-on using the API.

Private attributes

Attribute Type Default Description
defaultState RamState The state to use as default (“WIP”).